Soul Business

I don’t know what I’m doing here. I’m not a writer. But - I do know that it’s important for me to explain my reasons for why I’m a photographer. It’s important that you know my intentions. So here goes an attempt at sharing what my soul wants to do for your soul because this is a soul business.

I’m sure everyone has heard this, says this or is being nagged about this by their mothers, grandparents or their partners but it’s serious. Everyone is so stuck in a digital world. Our phones or ipads are always in our hands. We’re always sitting in front of computers. They’re our go to distraction for all feelings especially loneliness and boredom. We’ve forgotten what it’s like to truly connect with other actual human beings; forgotten how it feels, making it unfamiliar and therefore scary. This contributes to the overwhelming lack of confidence we all have in ourselves.

Connection. It’s what drives me to photograph people. The images I take of you are more than just proof that you existed, they’re more than just pretty pictures. It’s my goal to photograph YOU. The you that you’ve probably forgotten about for many reasons, one being that we’re so consumed by the stress of what other people think because we’re not WITH people. Once we’re with people again, that fear can melt away.

By connecting with you, getting to know your story, and understanding your ‘why’, I want to inspire confidence that I know you have hiding in you somewhere. I aim to bring out that inner strength and authenticity, allowing you to see yourself in a new light. Each shoot is more that just a photo shoot — it’s an opportunity to reveal the true you, celebrating your unique self.

After reading this, likely on your phone, put it down and go have a face-to-face conversation with someone. Experience the moment, listen to their words, feel their emotions and rediscover the beauty of human connection.

Portraits Chilliwack


MY OWN first boudoir photo shoot experience